Well, what a great competition we had this year. It was unfortunate that the weather didn’t play nicely for the first couple of days but that is something that is beyond our control. There were some great captures and some are pending records. Of note was Aiden Telfords 6.2kg Dolphinfish taken on 6 kg line. This will nicely fill the vacant spot in the State records list. Well done Aiden.
Kai Ieviens took the Heaviest Tuna prize with a tuna of 95.6kg after a fight lasting 2 ½ hours. The last hour was spent getting the fish to come closer than 40m to the boat. He was so buggered that he took the next day off and rumour has it that he asked Jade to get him a glass of water because his arms were too tired to get it himself. Marcus Pearson landed a 21.43kg Schoolie on 2kg and Wesley Bent and Jodie Taylor both caught tuna weighing 10.42kg on 3kg line. There were many other notable captures but the list is too long to print here. It was great to see a few tuna approaching 100kgs tagged and released to fight another day. Well done Tyson Kain on taking out the Champion T&R prize.